Doc Mac: The Menopause Coach
11 min readMay 30, 2020


“If you Want To Lose Weight and Feel Great, Drink Your Frigging Water!”


This is the next step you will need to take to lose your excess fat.

What I had Vicky do

I had her drink 80 ounces of alkaline water daily.


Want To Lose Weight, Drink Your Frigging Water!

Want to lose even more weight, drink alkaline water.

My Story

I would like to share a story with you about alkaline water.

Vicky and I were attending a medical conference.

At these conferences, they will place the expo in the way of the speaking rooms; this way, you have to pass through the exhibition.

The expo is where all the vendors are pitching their medical products.

This particular conference had to do with anti-aging medicine, so most of the products were related to longevity.

I am one of those guys that don’t like to be hassled by the vendors.

This particular day, a vendor was hawking machines that made alkaline water.

As I was walking by, the vendor was trying to get my attention.

I looked straight ahead.

Suzanne Somers was speaking, and I wanted to get a good seat.

The vendor had a bottle of water in his hand, and I am sure he could tell I was going to ignore him.

The vendor just extended his arm toward me and handed me a bottle of water.

He had a peculiar smile on his face.

It was saying, “I know your type.”

I took the bottle of water and headed to my seat.

Once I had a good seat, I took a swig and thought this water tastes different.

It reminded me of the first time I drank Gatorade.

You know how it disappears in your mouth as if it never gets to your esophagus.

I drank the bottle down.

Then suddenly, I had to urinate.


I now had to go back through the expo to get to the restrooms.

The vendor was looking at me as I passed.

He still had that peculiar smile.

I walked quickly past him.

When I was returning to my seat, I was even in more of a hurry than I was the first time.

The vendor did the same thing again, with no words being said.

I took the bottle from his extended arm and returned to my seat.

I drank the water.

Then guess what?

Yup, I had to urinate again.

This time as I was walking back to my seat, I had to ask him what was in this dang water.

He handed me another bottle.

I was actually very thirsty.

It was the first time I had been that thirsty in ages.

He explained that he was selling a machine that caused your water to be oxygenated, and the pH would be elevated up to a 10 pH.

I believe the year was 2008.

I had never heard of alkaline water up to that day.

Alkaline water has since become trendy.

You can purchase it anywhere.

My local grocery store actually has its own brand of 9.5 pH water.

If you live in a rural area, you can buy alkaline from Amazon with free shipping with Amazon Prime.

My favorite is a brand called Essentia.

Here is an Amazon link.

Click Here To Purchase one of our favorite alkaline waters on Amazon.


Water is so essential when it comes to our hormones, our weight, our health, and our thinking.

As we age, our ability to be thirsty diminishes.

It is essential to track our water intake as we become middle-aged because of this inability to know when we need water.

Dehydration occurs when we lose more water than we take in.

Dehydration also leads to an imbalance in our electrolytes that are essential for communication at the cellular level.

I have seen people lose weight by just increasing their water intake.

We are big bags of water.

In fact, we are about 60 percent water.

Even our planet is primarily water.

While you are on HOPE, make sure that drinking enough water is on your priority list.

Water keeps everything in your body, running at an optimal level.

Every cell in your body needs an adequate supply of water.

A study carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), found:

7 percent of adults reported no daily consumption of drinking water.

36 percent of adults reported drinking 8–24 ounces of water a day.

35 percent of adults reported drinking 32–56 ounces of water a day.

22 percent of adults reported drinking 64 ounces or more a day.

That means very few Americans are consuming enough water in a day, making America more overweight and less healthy.

Hormones and Water

Water flushes out estrogen metabolites.

Recall that estrogen is metabolized by your liver.

the liver makes both good and bad metabolites.

Water helps flush these metabolites from your body.

Water is also essential for hormone and neurotransmitter production.

By now, you know that it’s all about the hormones.

Hormones are what make us look great, feel great, and even act great.

By not drinking water, your hormones will suffer, and when our hormones suffer, we suffer.

Mac Hack: If your husband is acting like a grump, instead of whacking him with a frying pan, offer him a glass of water.

There is a caveat when it comes to water and your hormones.

You need to drink ultra-filtered water.

Hormones are small molecules that are difficult to filter from the drinking water.

Studies have found that drinking water is polluted with hormones.

These hormones come primarily from birth control pills that are urinated into the drinking water system.

Weight and Water

Water is an appetite suppressant.

Water will cause the stomach to expand.

When the stomach is stretched, it sends a signal to the brain to turn off the hunger hormone called ghrelin.

It also stimulates the release of the satiation hormone called leptin.

Having that tall glass of water before a meal will help with your appetite by giving you a sensation of fullness.

Studies have found that in many cases that we think we are hungry that we are actually thirsty.

If you drink a tall glass of water instead of reaching for food, you will curb your feeling of needing to snack.

In a 2014 study, 50 overweight females drank 16 ounces of water 30 minutes before meals for 8 weeks.

The participants experienced weight and fat loss.

They also reported a reduction in appetite before the meal.

Drinking water before eating a meal reduced participants’ caloric intake by 75 calories per meal.

Water Increases Metabolism

In another 2014 study, 12 people drank 16 ounces of cold water.

the study found that when the participants did so their metabolism increased.

Drinking at least 16 ounces of water increased participants resting metabolism by 10–30% for about an hour.

Those who drank 16 ounces of water before meals lost 44% more weight than those who did not drink water before a meal.

Drinking water replaces the act of drinking caloric drinks.

Many of my clients have reported that by drinking water, they can more easily replace old habits of drinking sodas and juices.

Never Drink Your Calories

One study found that if overweight women replaced two or more caloric beverages with water every day…

They lost between 2 and 2.5 percent of their weight within 8 months.

In another study from 2015, female participants drank 8 ounces of water after lunch each day.

the participants lost 13.6 percent more weight than women who drank 8 ounces of diet beverages after lunch.

Water Increases Your Ability To Burn Fat.

Water is necessary to burn fat.

The body needs water to metabolize stored fat.

This is called lipolysis.

Water interacts with your fat and breaks your fat into two compounds, glycerol, and fatty acids.

The better hydrated you are, the better your body breaks down both stored fat and fat within the food you eat.

Water, mainly alkaline water is a diuretic, so expect some nocturnal urination.

You will be happy that you are having to pee at night.

You are literally urinating away fat.

Fats, when metabolized, make water.

Every time you wake up and urinate, say goodbye to some more fat.

Health and Water

Water cleanses the body.

Water is necessary to remove waste from your body.

When you are dehydrated, peristalsis, the movement that removes feces from your body, is inhibited.

Water cleans the intestines.

As you will discover, our guts are essential for not only weight loss, but also our health.

Our bowels need water to work optimally, and if our intestines aren’t functioning optimally, we’re not.

The gut needs water to keep us regular, and if you have not yet discovered your regularity slows when you make a diet change.

Without enough water and the lack of the man-made fats you were eating your elimination will slow down and maybe even come to a standstill.

Water is also necessary for the kidneys to filter toxins for them to be removed through urination.

When the body is dehydrated, the kidneys will retain water.

If the kidneys malfunction, waste products, and fluid will be retained, causing UTIs to occur more often.

Being adequately hydrated is the best way to prevent kidney stones.

Water is necessary to soften our stool.

If you are dehydrated, feces become hard, and constipation may become a regular occurrence.

Retained water by the kidneys will cause you to feel bloated and fatigued.

Water Keeps Us Looking Young.

Our skin retains water.

When it becomes dehydrated, you will have more wrinkles and cellulite.

Want to keep your skin smooth and silky, drink water.

The skin passes toxins from our body through sweating.

If the skin is dehydrated, you will not be able to sweat, and toxins will remain within your body.

The water within the skin also keeps our body temperature stabilized.

If the skin is dehydrated, you will have less tolerance for heat.

While in menopause, the last thing you want to do is to contribute to your hot flashes and turn up the heat.

If you suffer from night sweats, your skin is dehydrated, and you will have an intolerance to heat and cold.

Thinking and Water

Water assists in delivering oxygen throughout your body

Our blood delivers oxygen to every cell.

Our blood is 90% water.

If we are dehydrated, our blood becomes thicker, and this makes it more difficult to deliver oxygen to our brain and all cells.

When your brain lacks oxygen, your thinking will be negatively altered.

Therefore the water will help us have better clarity and blow out the fog that being in our “Third Act” and dehydration causes.

When you are dehydrated, blood pressure will increase due to the thickness of the blood.

High blood pressure will affect the way you think because it causes brain irritation.


My general rule is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water.

If you weigh 180 pounds, then you should shoot for 90 ounces of water a day.

If you find that due to your weight that it just seems impossible to drink half your body weight in ounces…

Then my fallback rule is to drink a minimum of 80 ounces of water a day.

I personally have found that alkaline water with electrolytes is by far the best water for us.

Alkaline water is an actual anti-oxidant.

The machine the vendor was selling at the medical conference somehow micronized the water molecules.

the micronization of the molecules is what made the water seem to disappear in my mouth.

Alkaline water is the only water that I have found that makes me thirsty.

I love alkaline water.

It has electrolytes within it to replace the minerals.

Not all alkaline waters have electrolytes, though, so make sure the one you drink does.

Some bottled waters are made alkaline through ionization.

If you cannot find alkaline water, then drink spring water.

Try to avoid purified water.

Purified water is purified with toxic chemicals like aluminum.

These chemicals are inert, but if you put some lemon in your water, they are released and may cause toxicity.

It is imperative to over drink water during “The Protein Days.”

We will lose 5 to 10 pounds of water during those three days and this could cause you to be dehydrated and demineralized.

Make sure that you do your best to drink half your body weight during “The Protein Days.”

You will know that you are dehydrated during these days because you will have headaches and leg cramps.

If you feel ill or if it’s hot or if you have diarrhea or vomiting, it is vital to increase your water intake even more so.

If you sweat due to physical activity, it is crucial to increase your water intake, or you may become dehydrated.

One way to know that you are drinking enough water is to examine the color of your urine.

It should be clear.

If your urine is not clear, increase your water intake.

The Mac 4x20 rule: Drink 4 20 ounce servings of water a day.

One Last Word: Water and Plastic

Unfortunately, most water comes in plastic bottles.

If you can, avoid plastic water containers.

You learned about plastic in The Hormone Strand of Phase One.

Make sure that the plastic used in the bottle is BPA Free.

Below is a graphic that shows the safe and harmful numbers given to indicate the type of plastic.

The numbers can be found on the bottom of the container.

Promise Keeper: Drink a minimum of 80 ounces of water per da.

❤️ Doc


Vicky and I at our oldest son’s hotel he manages in Santa Barbara.

Making our “Third Acts” AWESOME!

PS If you would like to talk to me about our VIP Program click here to schedule →

PSS If you would like to email me a question:

© 2020 | HOPE for Menopause

Make sure to read our Medical Disclaimer

Medical Disclaimer

None of the statements in this e-mail have been evaluated by the FDA. Furthermore, none of the statements on this email should be construed as dispensing medical advice, making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can these products prevent disease. You must listen to your body and use common sense to avoid health problems.

You should consult a licensed health care professional before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program, especially if you are pregnant or have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.



Doc Mac: The Menopause Coach

Helping Women Lose Weight Through Natural Hormone Optimization